Phillip at artist friends 1993

Phillip at artist friends 1993
Phillip at artist friends Rene

Monday, November 16, 2015

    A couple of months ago I located this photograph of me my Senior Year at Dennis Yarmouth High School varsity football team, I was number 22 and played Fullback. I respond to athletic motivated incidents at my Blog titled, "Phillip Bianco Football".

Phillip Bianco 1970 holding Academic Honor Roll Certificate from Silas Dean Junior High School, Wethersfield, CT
Mom with New York City Rockettes

Phillip Bianco Tabor Academy School photo

Grandmother "Ida" and Grandfather "Joseph", Hartford, CT Policeman

Daughter Arianna

father 'Eugene" with sister Tarryn

Phillip Bianco after Championship game for the Wethersfield Vikings "Parks & Recreation"

Phillip Bianco 7 years old Miramar, Florida

Phillip Bianco 1957

Mother at dance studio in Florida

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

   At my Blog titled, " Phillip Bianco Fooball", I post additional football photographs, newspaper articles and documents concerning athletic motivated incidents that are ongoing.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Water Color Painting of flower finished September 2015 by Phillip Bianco

    I recently took a Water Color Painting Class this flower I posted above is my first water color painting, the last time I worked with water colors was 1968.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Phillip Bianco, 2004.

Grandparents Ida & Joseph Capobianco

father with sister

phillip bianco number 65 for Wethersfield Parks and Recreation football team, Wethersfield Vikings,                                      after Championship Game 1969/1970

phillip bianco 1957

daughter 4 1/2 months old

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

    Today is July 8, 2015, Google changed the features for posting images at Blogs , so, I am trying to figure it out. I posted some additional photographs I located.
    On July 18 I posted the most recent photos of me and family members.

Phillip Bianco with sister Lisa

My daughter Arianna

My father Eugene with sister Tarryn

My daughter Arianna

Phillip Bianco school photo from Tabor Academy 1976/1977

Phillip Bianco at Grandfathers house 1970 holding academic Honor Roll certificate from Silas Dean Junior High School

My daughter Arianna 4 1/2 months old

Phillip Bianco #43 Ithaca College after fumble recovery against Clarion State University 1979

Grandmother Ida with Grandfather Joseph Capobainco

Daughter with ex wife Maggie

Phillip Bianco #65 Wethersfield, CT Vikings after Championship game

Phillip Bianco 1965/1966 Miramar, Florida

Phillip Bianco baby photo 1957
Phillip Bianco  Ithaca College 1978 about to sack Cortland State quarterback

Saturday, March 28, 2015

   I recently posted a photo of another version of my painting titled "Suppression Again", I painted another version because the original was damaged from harsh environments.

Monday, March 23, 2015

   I posted an article with a photograph of my Great Grandfather named Phillip who  was named after, the posting is in 2 parts. My family had numerous artists in the family.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

I presently posted at this Blog mostly personal photo's but in the near future I will be working with Photoshop and will post photographs of images both artistic and nature. I am shopping around for a camera that will do the job, I am reading a book about Photoshop and have the software.